So I just spent $200 on earthquake preparedness. 2 #10 Mountain House Cans (storage life of 30 years) of Chicken Stew (10 servings) and Beef Stew (8 servings) (just add hot or cold water), 1 set of "lemon bars" that give you exactly what you need in terms of protein, fat and vitamins - a 30 day supply (storage life only 5 years, should have bought another #10 can instead), and one small first aid kit. I have some water, need lots more. I purchased light sticks and dust masks a couple of weeks ago. Need more batteries for the flashlights. I have a hand-crank radio/light. Now I really just need to put it all together somewhere and store more water and I think I'll be good.
We are having a big earthquake drill on Thursday. It has made me very aware that I'm not prepared. The San Andreas fault has a major earthquake every 150 years (i.e. greater than 6.5) and the last time it shifted was 1680. So 178 years overdue!
Now it just can't happen for the next 10 days as that's probably when all my supplies will arrive.
Kenosha WI
12 years ago
You are adorable. I love it.
Thank god I don't have to worry about that.
I'm coming to your house!
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