Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Nothing to report really

Just tired of seeing my bathroom rant on everyone's blogs. As a follow-up the sign did get torn down. I re-posted it and let it stay up for 5 days. Then took it down. We'll see if I ever see spittle again on the mirror. I sure hope not.

The scooter now has more than 110 miles on it. Doesn't seem like a lot but at 2.5 miles one way to work and back that's 20+ days driving to and from work. When I left work yesterday I actually saw a guy on a blue Vespa! and I saw a red vespa with a woman on it on my way to work in the morning. So they are around.

Ms.E. went to the dentist today - look ma no cavities! But with no dental insurance it was $300! Yikes!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay scooter! I know what you mean with seeing them now - when Beau got his Ninja, we started seeing motorcycles around Cville ALL the time!