So I know. I shouldn't be going to KFC. Let alone bringing back fried chicken and mashed potatoes for MsE (both of us with high cholesterol but you know sometimes you just need a fix. Anyway. . . ) I'm at KFC waiting for the chicken when this 80+ lady walks in. Puts down $2.02 on the counter. The cashier goes immediately to the green beans and starts dishing a small take out dish. I say to her "you must be a regular?!" "Oh yes dear. I come here every day for green beans." The server then asks "have you gotten your tattoo yet?" "No not yet." I turn and look at her with a raised eyebrow and she says, "We'll I'm 84 and I've lived a long life. I might as well get a tattoo on my shoulder and I'm going to jump out an airplane!" I say "I don't have a tattoo but I did jump out of a plane. Got terrible whiplash. It was fun but I'm not sure I'd do it again." She says: "You only live once might as well!" and off she went. 80-something and going to get a tattoo and parachute jump. You go girl.
1 comment:
What a great story. Woowee, getting old does have it's privileges. So when are you getting that tatoo? MsE? You definitely need a fix now and again.
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